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In Love and War (TV)

In Love and War (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1987 March, 16
100 minutes


This movie is an account of US Navy Commander James Stockdale's 8 year imprisonment in North Vietnam. During his confinement in such camps as the infamous "Hanoi Hilton", Stockdale, among other senior officers, led a resistance group against the North Vietnamese, facing torture, isolation, and starvation in attempts to break their wills. Back in the US, Stockdale's wife, Sybil, begins working with other POW wives to try to get information on their husbands and to inform the world on their treatment. - IMDb

L'affaire du golfe du Tonkin Canada
En el amor como en la guerra Peru
Gefangene des Krieges West Germany
In love and war Sweden
In Love and War USA
Jeniec wojenny Poland
No Amor E na Guerra Brazil
P.O.W: Prisoner of War West Germany
Le prisonnier de guerre Canada
Salto para o Vietnam Portugal
Sodassa ja rakkaudessa Finland
Ston erota kai ton polemo (transliterated title) Greece
Vietnam missione Tonkin Italy
Vietnam, prisionero de guerra Spain

Children's Cast:

Stephen Dorff [13] Stan age 9
Jamie McEnnan [8] Stan age 6
