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Jeremiah Johnson

Crow Killer (USA)
Jeremiah Johnson (United Kingdom)
La ley del talión (USA)
Liver Eatin' Johnson (USA: original script title)
The Mountain Man (USA)
The Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1972 May, 7
108 minutes
Adventure / Drama / Western
$ 3 100 000


Video (1)

Photos (1)

During the mid-nineteenth century, Jeremiah Johnson, after a stint in the US Army, decides that he would prefer a life of solitude and more importantly peace by living with nature in the mountains of the frontier of the American west. This plan entails finding a piece of land upon which to build a house. This quest ends up being not quite what he envisioned as he does require the assistance of others to find his footing, and in turn he amasses friends and acquaintances along the way, some who become more a part of his life than he would have imagined. Perhaps most importantly, some of those people provide him with the knowledge of how to co-exist with some of the many Indian tribes, most importantly the Crow, on whose land in Colorado Jeremiah ultimately decides to build his home. But an act by Jeremiah upon a request by the US Cavalry leads to a chain of events that may forever change the peaceful relationship he worked so hard to achieve with his neighbors and their land. - IMDb

Середина XVIII-гo века. Охотник за медвежьими шкурами Джеремия Джонсон оказывается вдали от цивилизации, зимой в Скалистых горах северной Америки, где ему суждено выжить и полюбить этот суровый край. Он научится преодолевать суровые зимы, побеждать дикого медведя, выучит язык враждебно настроенных индейцев и женится на дочери вождя племени.

As Brancas Montanhas da Morte Portugal
Corvo Rosso non avrai il mio scalpo! Italy
Crow Killer USA
Jeremiah Johnson Belgium
Jeremiah Johnson Canada
Jeremiah Johnson Canada
Jeremiah Johnson Ecuador
Jeremiah Johnson Spain
Jeremiah Johnson France
Jeremiah Johnson United Kingdom
Jeremiah Johnson Hungary
Jeremiah Johnson India
Jeremiah Johnson India
Jeremiah Johnson Poland
Jeremiah Johnson Romania
Jeremiah Johnson Sweden
Jeremiah Johnson USA
Jeremiah Johnson West Germany
Jeremiah Johnson Austria
Jeremiah Johnson Australia
Jeremiah Johnson - indiandödaren Sweden
Jeremiah Johnson - indianermorderen Norway
Jeremija Džonsonas Lithuania
Las aventuras de Jeremiah Johnson Spain
La ley del talión Argentina
La ley del talión Mexico
La ley del talión USA
La ley del talión Uruguay
Liver Eatin' Johnson (original script title) USA
Mais Forte que a Vingança Brazil
Manden der ikke kunne dø Denmark
The Mountain Man USA
Người Sơn Cước Vietnam
Ôinaru yûsha Japan
The Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson USA
Silmä silmästä Finland
Τζερεμάια Τζόνσον Greece
Τζερεμάια Τζόνσον, ο αλύγιστος (reissue title) Greece
Џеремаја Џонсон Serbia
Джеремая Джонсон Ukraine
Джеръмая Джонсън Bulgaria
Иеремия Джонсон Soviet Union
大いなる勇者 Japan
猛虎過山 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Josh Albee [12] Caleb
