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Wendigo (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2001 January, 23
91 minutes
Horror / Mystery / Thriller


George is a high-strung professional photographer who is starting to unravel from the stress of his work with a Manhattan advertising agency. Needing some time away from the city, Jake, his wife Kim, and their son Miles head to upstate New York to take in the winter sights, though the drive up is hardly relaxing for any of them. George accidentally hits and severely injures a deer that ran onto the icy road; after George stops to inspect the damage, he's confronted by an angry local named Otis who flies into a rage, telling George that he and his fellow hunters had been tracking the deer for some time. An argument breaks out, which leaves George feeling deeply shaken. When George and Kim arrive at their cabin, they discover that it's next door to Otis' property, and they soon find that a dark and intimidating presence seems to have taken over the cottage. Since, when they stopped at a store en route to the cabin, a shopkeeper told Miles about the legend of the Wendigo, a beast from Indian folklore who is half-man, half-deer, and can change itself at will, the child begins to wonder if the creature might have something to do with his family's sudden misfortune. - IMDb

Мрачным зимним вечером «вольво» пробирается по заснеженной лесной дороге. Ким, Джордж и их маленький сын Майлс решили отдохнуть на природе от суеты большого города… Они не подозревают, что через пару минут с ними произойдет шокирующий инцидент, который даст начало череде жутких событий, сделав их жизнь хрупкой игрушкой в когтях необъяснимого, мистического зла. Наивные горожане вторглись в обитель сверхъестественных сил, во владения таинственного существа, которого местные жители называют зловещим именем «Вендиго», молясь о том, чтобы никогда не увидеть его.

Alucinações Portugal
Escalofrío Mexico
Escalofrío Spain
La légende du Wendigo Canada
Wendigo Australia
Wendigo Canada
Wendigo Canada
Wendigo France
Wendigo United Kingdom
Wendigo Japan
Wendigo USA
Wendigo - Dem Bösen geweiht West Germany
Το πρόσωπο του τρόμου Greece
Вендиго Russia
恶夜饕餮 China
雪怪 China
零下17摄氏度之寒颤 China
鹿神传说 China

Children's Cast:

Erik Per Sullivan [9] Miles
Maxx Stratton [8] Brandon
Dash Stratton [6] Little Otis
