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Everybody's Hobby

Everybody's Hobby (Australia)
The Hobby Family (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1939 August, 26
54 minutes
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama
Production Company:

The first (and last) in an intended series about 'The Hobby Fmily", in which every family member was immersed in a hobby-pursuit of some kind: Here, Tom Leslie must choose between losing his job or publishing news in a manner he thinks is unfair. His wife, whose hobby is stamp-collecting, diverts his attention from his troubles at the newspaper by stirring up his interest in his own hobby, photography. Tom arranges to take his son, whose hobby is short-wave radio, on a vacation in the mountains at a site near a Civilian Conservation Corps camp and a forest-ranger station. A forest fire breaks out, and each family-member's hobby proves to have value. - IMDb

Everybody's Hobby Australia
Everybody's Hobby Canada
Everybody's Hobby USA
The Hobby Family USA

Children's Cast:

Jackie Morrow [14] Chuck
Jackie Moran [16] Robert Leslie
Betty Jane Graham [16] Bunny's Friend
Dorothy Gray [16] Girl in Mountains
Betty Jean Hainey [15] Girl in Mountains
Joanne Tree [15] Bunny's Friend
