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The Winslow Boy

Anatole de Grunwald's Production The Winslow Boy (United Kingdom: complete title)
The Winslow Boy (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1948 September, 2
United Kingdom
117 minutes


In Edwardian England, a thirteen year-old cadet, Ronnie Winslow, is expelled from the naval academy at Osborne for stealing a seven shilling postal order. His father and sister become obsessed with proving his innocence at any cost to themselves, and turn the case into a national cause celebre. - IMDb

Affæren Winslow Denmark
Anatole de Grunwald's Production The Winslow Boy (complete title) United Kingdom
El Caso Winslow Argentina
Causa Célebre Portugal
Der Fall Winslow Austria
Der Fall Winslow West Germany
Fallet Winslow Sweden
Kadet Winslow Poland
Kadet Winslow (literal title) Yugoslavia
Kadett Winslow West Germany
Opdat recht geschiede Netherlands
Pleito de honor Spain
Recht bleibt Recht Austria
Tapaus Winslow Finland
Tutto mi accusa Italy
Um Caso de Honra Brazil
The Winslow Boy Australia
The Winslow Boy Ecuador
The Winslow Boy United Kingdom
The Winslow Boy USA
Winslow contre le roi France
Winslow-saken Norway
Мальчик Уинслоу (literal title) Soviet Union
Привлекательный мальчик Soviet Union
ウィンスロー少年 Japan

Children's Cast:

Neil North [15] Ronnie Winslow
