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Die Gänsemagd (TV)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2009 November, 19
59 minutes
Production Company:


Photos (3)

In a tiny kingdom, a goose herd girl seizes her chance for 'revenge' on royal heiress Elisabeth whose haughty entourage once humiliated the maiden by ordering her to fetch water for a drunk the princess didn't even want. Indeed she is part of the train with magic horse Florian when the princess is sent to her betrothed, king Gustav's studly son Leopold. Thus the maiden sheds the third of the queen's blood drops shed to protect the princess and forces her, by near-drowning, to accept an identity-swap. - IMDb

Les contes de Grimm: La Gardeuse d'Oie France
Les contes de Grimm: La gardeuse d'oies France
La criada de Gansos (dubbed version) Puerto Rico
Die Gänsemagd West Germany
De Ganzenhoedster (dubbed version) Belgium
De Ganzenhoedster Netherlands
Gesiareczka Poland
La guardiana di oche Italy
A Libapásztorlány Hungary
Le più belle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm: La guardiana di oche (series title) Italy
Princezna Husopaska Czechoslovakia
Sechs auf einen Streich: Die Gänsemagd (series title) West Germany
Zosu gane Latvia
Пастушка Ukraine

Children's Cast:

Julius Römer [14] Gänsehirt Kürdchen
Paulina Rümmelein [11] Prinzessin als Kind
