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The Liars' Club

The Liars' Club (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 October, 19
95 minutes
Drama / Thriller
Production Company:

The loyalty of a tight group of friends is put to the test when there's a date rape within the circle. They close ranks to prevent the secret from getting out. The victim of the rape however becomes the victim of murder as the attempt to quiet her fails. The spiral of deceit in the group increases as one of them begins to talk. - IMDb

Cinkosok közt vétkes Hungary
El Círculo de la mentira Venezuela
El Club de los mentirosos Spain
Le club du silence Canada
Le club du Silence France
Clube dos Mentirosos Brazil
I leshi me tous pseftes Greece
Klub łgarzy Poland
The Liars' Club Ecuador
The Liars' Club United Kingdom
The Liars' Club USA
Nel nome dell'amicizia Italy
O Círculo da Mentira Portugal
Den som ljuger Sweden
Vennskapets makt Norway
Vergewaltigt - Jung und schuldig West Germany

Children's Cast:

Soleil Moon Frye [18] Gigi
