West Germany
In 1943, in the Russian front, the decorated leader Rolf Steiner is promoted to Sergeant after another successful mission. Meanwhile the upper-class and arrogant Prussian Captain Hauptmann Stransky is assigned as the new commander of his squad. After a bloody battle of Steiner's squad against the Russian troops led by the brave Lieutenant Meyer, who dies in the combat, the coward Stransky claims that he led his squad against the Russian and requests to be awarded with the Iron Cross to satisfy his personal ambition together with that of his aristocratic family. Stransky gives the names of Steiner and of the homosexual Lieutenant Triebig as witnesses of his accomplishment, but Steiner, who has problems with the chain of command in the army and with the arrogance of Stransky, refuses to participate in the fraud. When Colonel Brandt gives the order to leave the position in the front, Stransky does not retransmit the order to Steiner's squad, and they are left alone surrounded by the enemy and have to fight to survive. - IMDb
1943 год. Немецкая армия с тяжелыми боями отступает на Восточном фронте. На замену убитому командиру батальона прибывает переведенный из Франции капитан Странски. Этот элегантный прусский аристократ еще не бывал в настоящем сражении и мечтает любой ценой получить высший германский боевой орден Железный крест. Чтобы достичь своей цели, Странски нужно завоевать уважение командира взвода капрала Штайнера, закаленного в боях ветерана, пользующегося огромным авторитетом среди товарищей по оружию. А универсальный солдат Штайнер презирает офицеров, жаждущих славы, но предпочитающих не соваться на передовую…
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 100% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
1 |
La creu de ferro | Spain |
La croce di ferro | Italy |
Croix de fer | Canada |
Croix de fer | France |
Cross of Iron | Australia |
Cross of Iron | Canada |
Cross of Iron | Ecuador |
Cross of Iron | United Kingdom |
Cross of Iron | Thailand |
Cross of Iron | USA |
Crucea de fier | Romania |
Cruz de Ferro | Brazil |
A Cruz de Ferro | Brazil |
La cruz de hierro | Argentina |
La cruz de hierro | Spain |
La cruz de hierro | Mexico |
Das Geduldige Fleisch | Austria |
Gelezinis kryzius | Lithuania |
A Grande Batalha | Portugal |
Gvozdeni krst | Serbia |
Järnkorset | Finland |
Järnkorset | Sweden |
Jernkorset | Norway |
Jernkorset - og sergent Steiner | Denmark |
Raudrist | Estonia |
Rautaristi | Finland |
Sargeant Steiner | USA |
Sensô no harawata | Japan |
Şeref madalyası | Turkey |
Steiner | Belgium |
Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz | West Germany |
Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz | West Germany |
Vaskereszt | Hungary |
Żelazny krzyż | Poland |
Železný kríž | Slovakia |
Železný kříž | Czechoslovakia |
Zeljezni kriz | Croatia |
Ο Σιδηρούς Σταυρός | Greece |
Железен кръст | Bulgaria |
Железный крест | Soviet Union |
戦争のはらわた | Japan |
Slavko Stimac [16] | Michail |