A long-running drama based upon the "Little House" series of books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, "Little House on the Prairie" follows the lives of the simple, farming Ingalls family: Charles, Caroline, Mary, Laura, Carrie and then Grace and the later adopted Albert, James and Cassandra, who settle into a quaint little house on the banks of Plum Creek near the small town of Walnut Grove during the late 1800s. Often narrated by Laura, the series follows her simple farm upbringing from her childhood until her adulthood with Almanzo Wilder with whom she starts a family of her own. While the series is based upon the Little House books (and thus the real life of author Laura Ingalls Wilder), it is a very loose adaptation, with mostly only key events and elements of fact surviving the transition from book to TV series, the most important being Mary's eventual blindness, and Laura's future. Several other fictitious (some factual) characters make up the friendly community of Walnut Grove, including teacher Miss Beadle (succeeded by two other teachers, then Laura, then Etta Plum), Dr. Hiram Baker, Rev. Robert Alden, Mr. Hanson (of the Hanson lumber mill), and the well-to-do Olesons, owners of the local mercantile, and also the primary rivals of the Ingalls family (except the Oleson patriarch). Family friends include the Edwards family, the Garvey family and the Carters, who, in the final season, move into the Ingalls' little house. - IMDb
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9 | 0% | 0 |
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7 | 100% | 1 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
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Kim Richards [10] | Olga Nordstrom (TV Episode: Town Party-Country Party) (1974) | |
Michael-James Wixted [15] | Roy Collins Jr. (TV Episode: Soldier's Return) (1976) | |
Shane Sinutko [10] | Jonah (TV Episode: At the End of the Rainbow) (1975) | |
Keith Coogan [11] | Timothy (TV Episode: Make a Joyful Noise) (1981) | |
Lindsay Kennedy [13] | Jeb Carter (TV Episode: Home Again: Part 2) (1982) | |
Christian Berrigan [13] | Lem (TV Episode: The Craftsman) (1979) | |
David Faustino [6] | Josh (TV Episode: The Silent Cry) (1980) | |
David Friedman [9] | Jason Carter (TV Episode: May I Have This Dance) (1982) | |
Ike Eisenmann [14] | Erich Schiller / Viktor Pyatakov (TV Episode: Centennial) (1976) | |
Justin Bayly [10] | Boy (TV Episode: Love) (1982) | |
Katy Kurtzman [12] | Young Caroline / Anna Gillberg (TV Episode: The Music Box) (1977) | |
Peter Billingsley [11] | Gideon Hale (TV Episode: No Beast So Fierce) (1982) | |
Todd Bridges [12] | Solomon Henry (TV Episode: The Wisdom of Solomon) (1977) | |
Mike Lookinland [17] | Patrick - Boy on Train (TV Episode: Times of Change) (1977) | |
Georg Olden [14] | Danny (TV Episode: He Was Only Twelve: Part 1) (1982) | |
Rossie Harris [12] | Rupert Wilder (TV Episode: The Nephews) (1981) | |
Clay O'Brien [14] | Henry Henderson (TV Episode: The Spring Dance) (1975) | |
Moosie Drier [12] | Junior Barrett (TV Episode: A Matter of Faith) (1976) | |
Johnny Doran [15] | Timothy Farrell (TV Episode: The Creeper of Walnut Grove) (1977) | |
Carlena Gower [9] | Amelia Ingalls (TV Episode: Journey in the Spring: Part 1) (1976) |