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The Next Voice You Hear...

The Next Voice You Hear... (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1950 June, 29
83 minutes
Production Company:
$ 421 000


"Joe Smith, American" lives in a Los Angeles suburb and works at an aircraft plant. One night Joe hears a voice cut in on a radio program: "This is God. I'll be with you for the next few days." It turns out, everyone in the world listening to any radio heard the same thing. More messages come; some people react positively, others negatively. - IMDb

The Next Voice You Hear... Canada
The Next Voice You Hear... Ecuador
The Next Voice You Hear... United Kingdom
The Next Voice You Hear... India
The Next Voice You Hear... India
The Next Voice You Hear... New Zealand
The Next Voice You Hear... USA
La prossima voce Italy
Röst från det okända Sweden
Următoarea voce pe care o veţi auzi... Romania
La voix que vous allez entendre France
La voz que escucharán Venezuela
La voz que escucharán Mexico
A Voz que Vão Ouvir Brazil
Вы услышите следующий голос... Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Gary Gray [13] Johnny Smith
Sherry Jackson [8] Girl in Church
Timmy Hawkins [11] Red
Mickey Little [8] Newsboy
