The series depicts the daily lives of creator/executive producer Polly Draper's sons who lead a fictional world-renowned rock band from New York City. As a mockumentary, the storyline is an embellishment of their real lives and the fictional presence of a camera is often acknowledged. Lead vocals and instrumentation are contributed by the siblings; they wrote the lyrics themselves. The show stars Nat Wolff and Alex Wolff, the lead singer-songwriter and drummer, respectively. Nat's fictional female admirer and real life friends--including the guitarist who had no prior acquaintance with the family--feature as the supporting band members, with the siblings' genuine father and Draper's husband as their according-playing dad and Draper's niece as the group's babysitter. - IMDb
Lehakat ha'achim ha'irumim | Israel |
Merk yeghbayrneri khumb | Armenia |
The Naked Brothers Band - Junge Rockstars privat | West Germany |
The Naked Brothers Band | Philippines |
The Naked Brothers Band | USA |
The Naked Brothers Band | Australia |
The Naked Brothers Band | Canada |
The Naked Brothers Band | Canada |
The Naked Brothers Band | Ecuador |
The Naked Brothers Band | United Kingdom |
The Naked Brothers Band | Italy |
The Naked Brothers Band | Mexico |
The Naked Brothers Band | Netherlands |
Neikideu Beuladeoseu Baendeu | South Korea |
Голые братья | Russia |
ネイキッド・ブラザーズ・バンド | Japan |
赤裸兄弟乐队 | China |
Miranda Cosgrove [15] | Miranda (TV Episode: Mystery Girl: Part Two) (2008) | |
Nat Wolff [13] | Nat / Leo (TV Episode: Valentine Dream Date) (2007) | |
Alex Wolff [10] | Alex / Alex Wolff / Theo (TV Episode: No Schools Fool's Day) (2007) | |
Maya N. Blake [12] | Teenage Girl #2 / Angry Girl #2 (TV Episode: Sidekicks: Part One) (2008) | |
Chandler Coniglio [12] | Autograph Seeker (TV Episode: Fishin' for Love) (2007) | |
Kylie Goldstein | Little girl #2 (TV Episode: Polar Bears) (2008) | |
Emerald-Angel Young [8] | Little Girl (TV Episode: Battle of the Bands: Part Two) (2007) | |
Patrick Henney | Kid #1 (TV Episode: Polar Bears) (2008) | |
Saoirse Scott [8] | Big Ella (TV Episode: Polar Bears: Part One) (2008) | |
Paulina Gerzon [13] | Teenage Girl #1 (TV Episode: Cleveland) (2008) |