The charming tale by writer Yuri Olesha, on which the film is based, has been a favorite of many generations of Soviet kids.
The action is set in a fairy-tale land where the Three Fat Men’s tyranny is thriving. "The characters in my novel – the girl doll, the doctor-magician, the dancing teacher, the attraction booth owner, the rope-walker – are not entirely my own creations. It’s evident that they have largely sprung up to life under the influence of reading fairy tales. I just tried to make them act within a revolutionary environment. I wanted to revolutionize the fairy tale. I introduced the figures of three fat men and plotted the struggle of circus artistes against them." (Yuri Olesha). -
Сказка. По мотивам одноименной притчи Ю.Олеши. История простая: о ловком канатоходце Тибуле, о смелой и дерзкой девочке-кукле Суок, о добром докторе Гаспаре и о тиранах-правителях Трех Толстяках. И, главное, о том, как искренность и любовь побеждают в маленьком человеке - наследнике тиранов Тутти - всё ненастоящее и наносное, пробуждая в нем самого обычного мальчишку. Одним словом, сказка. Хорошая, талантливо и с любовью снятая.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 33% | 2 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 17% | 1 |
7 | 17% | 1 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 17% | 1 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 17% | 1 |
6 |
A Három kövér | Hungary |
Kolme paksukaista | Finland |
O princi se železným srdcem | Czechoslovakia |
O princovi so železným srdcom | Czechoslovakia |
Three Fat Men | |
The Three Fat Men (video box title) | Denmark |
The Three Fat Men (video box title) | Finland |
The Three Fat Men (video box title) | Norway |
The Three Fat Men (video box title) | Sweden |
Tibul besiegt die Dickwänste | East Germany |
De Tre fede mænd | Denmark |
De Tre tjockisarna | Sweden |
De Tre tjukkasene | Norway |
Los tres gordinflones | Argentina |
Los tres gordinflones | Colombia |
Los tres gordinflones | Mexico |
Tři tlouštíci | Czechoslovakia |
Tri tolstyaka | Ecuador |
Три толстяка | Russia |
Три толстяка | Soviet Union |
Lina Braknyte [13] | Suok | |
Pyotr Artemyev [12] | Tutti |