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Aloma of the South Seas

Aloma of the South Seas (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1941 August, 27
77 minutes
Production Company:

A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education, returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution. - IMDb

Aloma Mexico
Aloma Portugal
Aloma danserskan Sweden
Aloma dei mari del sud Italy
Aloma der Südsee Austria
Aloma of the South Seas Australia
Aloma of the South Seas Canada
Aloma of the South Seas United Kingdom
Aloma of the South Seas (reissue title) Greece
Aloma of the South Seas USA
Aloma, a délsziget királynője Hungary
Aloma, A Virgem Prometida Brazil
Aloma, danserinnen Norway
Aloma, die Tochter der Südsee West Germany
Aloma, princesse des îles France
I kori tou eirinikou Greece
Rakkauden ja vihan saari Finland
Sydhavspigen Denmark
A Virgem Prometida Brazil

Children's Cast:

Evelyn Del Rio [9] Nea as a Child
Scotty Beckett [11] Tanoa as a Child
William Roy [13] Revo as a Child
Beverly Luff [10] Hawaiian Dancer
