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So Red the Rose

So Red the Rose (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1935 May, 29
82 minutes
Production Company:

SO RED THE ROSE is King Vidor's quietly affecting Civil War romance, starring Margaret Sullavan as a Southern aristocrat, the mistress of a Southern plantation, whose sheltered life is torn apart by the War between the States. During the war's darkest days she is sustained by her love for a distant cousin, a Confederate officer, played by Randolph Scott. - IMDb

Bloedende rozen Netherlands
Bloedige rozen Belgium
Cenizas de la guerra Spain
Die Farm am Mississippi West Germany
Noivado de Guerra Brazil
Noivado na Guerra Brazil
Paz en la guerra Spain
Paz na Guerra Portugal
Rosa de sangre Uruguay
La rosa del sud Italy
La rosa del sur Venezuela
Roses de sang Belgium
Roses de sang France
So Red the Rose Australia
So Red the Rose Canada
So Red the Rose USA
Til sidste Mand Denmark
Till sista man Sweden
Так красна роза Russia
薔薇はなぜ紅い(1935) Japan

Children's Cast:

Dickie Moore [9] Middleton Bedford
