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Intermezzo: A Love Story

Escape to Happiness (United Kingdom: premiere title)
Intermezzo (USA)
Intermezzo: A Love Story (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1939 October, 6
70 minutes
Romance / Drama
Production Company:
$ 800 000


Video (1)

A concert violinist becomes charmed with his daughter's talented piano teacher. When he invites her to go on tour with him, they make beautiful music away from the concert hall as well. He soon leaves his wife so the two can go off together. - IMDb

Знаменитый виолончелист Брандт неожиданно влюбляется в юную пианистку Аниту, учительницу музыки его дочери. Услышав ее игру, он предлагает ей совместное турне. Жена Хольгера готова на развод, не желая мешать счастью мужа. Но Анита не может решиться разлучить детей с отцом...

aşk Rüyası Turkey
Envol vers le bonheur Belgium
Envol vers le bonheur France
Escape to Happiness (premiere title) United Kingdom
Interlude Canada
Intermeco (literal title) Yugoslavia
Intermezzo Greece
Intermezzo Hungary
Intermezzo Italy
Intermezzo Mexico
Intermezzo Netherlands
Intermezzo Norway
Intermezzo Poland
Intermezzo Portugal
Intermezzo Sweden
Intermezzo USA
Intermezzo Argentina
Intermezzo West Germany
Intermezzo Austria
Intermezzo Belgium
Intermezzo Czechoslovakia
Intermezzo Denmark
Intermezzo Spain
Intermezzo Finland
Intermezzo United Kingdom
Intermezzo: A Love Story Australia
Intermezzo: A Love Story Ecuador
Intermezzo: Uma História de Amor Brazil
La rançon du bonheur France
Välikohtaus Finland
Интермецо: Една любовна история Bulgaria
Интермеццо Soviet Union
別離(1939) Japan

Children's Cast:

Ann E. Todd [8] Ann Marie
Norman Salling [10]
Marvin Davis [8]
Douglas Scott [14] Eric
Raymond Rayhill Powell [8]
Spencer Quinn [9]
Michael Miller [8]
Billy Finnegan [8]
Robert Ferrero [8]
Dee Dodd Little Boy
Dickie Meyers
