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El Maestro que prome... (2023)
Il rossetto (1960)
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Mlle Bottine (2024)
Mit der Faust in die... (2025)
El Diablo Fuma (y gu... (2025)
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Film 2018
FBI Hostage Rescue Team leader and U.S.
dramat kryminalny, USA 1993
Dziecięca fascynacja przestępczym światem.
Film 2005
A coming of age story of a boy, Turi (Ernandes) and his younger sister, Teresa (Guarrasi) on an island off the coast of Sicily.
Bývalý hongkonský obchodník s falšovaným značkovým textilným tovarom (po anglicky knock-off) Marcus Ray sa...
Keď skorumpovaný rímsky vodca Tiberius prichádza na čele obrovskej armády, aby si nárokoval Hodvábnu cestu, Huo...
film sensacyjny, Wielka Brytania/USA 2017
Młody mężczyzna zamierza zakończyć współpracę z mafią.
Film 2018
A mysterious young woman, Hester Shaw, emerges as the only one who can stop a giant, predator city on wheels devouring everything in its path.
film SF, USA 2016
Młodzi ludzie odkrywają szokującą prawdę o otaczającej ich rzeczywistości.
dramat SF, USA 2003
Naukowiec przemienia się w zielone monstrum.
20 Feb, 01:25
Komedie o tom, jak těžko se navazuje kontakt s mimozemskou civilizací.Málokterý film je bezmocnější, nežli...
20 Feb, 04:25
A  1960 Heimatdrama Spielfilm
20 Feb, 05:15
V orlom hniezde sa narodia dve mláďatá.
20 Feb, 07:40
Au cours du Siège de Beauvais, défendu par...
20 Feb, 08:05
Film 2002
Grazia is a mother of three who spends suffocating days packing fish while her husband Pietro is at sea.
20 Feb, 08:20
Keď mladý farmársky robotník náhodou otvorí bránu deliacu náš svet od hrôzostrašných obrov, obnoví sa...

Added Movies

Summer Limited Edition (TV series)
Year: 2023
Country: Italy
Genre: Comedy
Review: Pietro is a 14-year-old dragged by his parents to a small town in Calabria for summer vacation, where he develops a crush on Luce. She is his opposite, a young environmental activist who loves the planet and hates tourists. - IMDb
Volevo un figlio maschio
IMDb: 5.3/10  (205)
Year: 2023
Country: Italy
Genre: Comedy
Storia della mia famiglia (TV series)
Year: 2025
Country: Italy
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Review: A man named Fausto on the last day of his life. But it's also the story of an unlikely extended family that surfaces after his death. Of a beloved clan on which Fausto imposes unexpected responsibilities. - IMDb
Soul of Freedom
IMDb: 8.9/10  (9)
Year: 2021
Country: Russia
Genre: Short / Drama
Review: A young girl Alice in anticipation of fulfilling her biggest dream of seeing a real wolf loses her way in the forest. She doesn't know that in the world of adults there are places of no return. - IMDb
From Khovrino
IMDb: 8.6/10  (8)
Year: 2020
Country: Russia
Genre: Short / Drama
Review: At night in Moscow a little girl Dana is rushing home through dark alleyways. She's being chased by a suspicious-looking man. When he finally catches up with her, it turns out he wants to make a gift for a girl, about which she had dreamed of for many years. But their meeting prepares surprises. The thriller develops into a social drama and both become victims. - IMDb
IMDb: 6.5/10  (114)
Year: 2024
Country: Canada
Genre: Drama
Review: In 1957, in a working-class neighborhood of Montreal, a young apprentice typographer participates in the publication of an anti-clerical pamphlet. - IMDb
IMDb: 7.8/10  (11)
Year: 2013
Country: Russia
Genre: Short / Drama
Review: A problem family gets a visit from social service workers and a reporter who come to take a little girl to the orphanage from her mother in case she turns out to be drunk again. - IMDb
Les enfants perdus
IMDb: 6.2/10  (101)
Year: 2023
Country: Belgium
Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Thriller
Review: Audrey and her three siblings are abandoned in an old house where they were supposed to spend their summer vacation with their father, before he unexpectedly disappears during the night. - IMDb
Money Game
IMDb: 8.4/10  (27)
Year: 2024
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Review: A young widowed father of two girls, struggles to navigate a broken system, until he discovers the "Money Game" from an unorthodox professor. - IMDb
Kansa koulussa
Year: 2004
Country: Finland
Genre: Documentary